Welcome November

Hello brides, grooms, photographers, and all who are reading this. Welcome to my blog, to this new world I created for you all. Here I will be posting and writing a bit about my work as a wedding photographer and some other personal things.

In recent months I have experienced huge changes in my life and as I am starting my new site, I decided to also start writing on my journal. Today, November 1rst. and with a new month ahead and so many changes in my life I decided to present to you my new blog.

"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep the balance you must keep moving" ~Albert Einstein

By Veronica Tancredi

By Veronica Tancredi

In September I was fortunate to second shooting with a great friend and excellent wedding photographer in Los Angeles, California. (I'll post this wedding on the upcoming post). What I want to tell you is that this trip along with other experiences, were a turning point on my decisions for the months to come. A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to return to this great and beautiful city just to know it better, walk through it and fall in love with it. My trip was supposed to last only 7 days, which in fact turns to be 15 and eager to stay more, even with no return. But falling in love is something very easy and to let go sometimes is not... So here I am, in beautiful México again. I will not go into details about what brings me here walking a new path, however I found really important to note that life is made of experiences, progress and continuous changes and even if sometimes we don’t want to, maybe because we are not ready, changes won’t never stop... and that’s the best part of it! Whether if are minimal changes or a very important ones, the ones which make us give a turn of 180º, we must see them in the best positive way! So that’s why I am here. Starting as a fresh morning, a morning of new changes, a fresh November... in other words: A new life!

Thanks for reading, I will try to write often and post pictures of what I enjoy doing.
Follow me on IG: @rochiogch and FB: /chiogarciaphoto